Yet I don't feel like it's over. Our musical I mean. Our long-term project, Hopeanuoli!musikaali. (Ginga: Nagareboshi Gin!musical/Silver Fang!musical).
Last Friday everything was a complete mess. Our microphones didn't work, we had problems with lights and timing the music, the head of our Akakabuto kept on dropping, the cardboard bears were unfinished... To cut a long stroy short: we didn't have a decent, complete dress rehearsal.
So, on Saturday afternoon we tried the cardboard bear battle, we didn't have time to go through the whole musical. I sewed the head of Akakabuto with our Wilson and we didn't have time to test it on stage.
Then the workers let the audience in. I had checked before, there was quite a line behind those doors. After the show I heard that every seat was taken, the VIP balcony was full, people were even standing there and in the end of the rows, some even sat on the stairs even though it was forbidden and still, over 50 people (some say over hundred, some even more...) couldn't get in.
When it started I was nervous. Nervous if the audience would like the musical or not. But when they clapped hands after our opening choreography I knew we couldn't fail. So the musical went on and everything went almost perfect. After the ending, the audience clapped their hand for like six minutes straight and I was just... overwhelmed. The audience gave us so much strength I can't even describe it!
In the middle of the great battle against Akakabuto I saw Yoshihiro Takahashi in the front row. The creator of Ginga series. The world-famous Takahashi-sensei. After the show, he suprised us by visiting the backstage, telling us that he had cried and then he took many photos with us and shook our hands. It was such an honor.
Many people asked why we only had one show and why we were in the small hall when there was a big one. We got loads of compliments and I haven't heard a single comment which was completely negative. And this was truly heartwarming: some little girls waited for an hour to get an autograph from our Gin.
During this time, from December to September, our group has overcame difficulties, made new friends and some even call us their "mental family". I started dating my very dear friend and I think all thanks go to this musical and Rewe. (I was always like "NOOOO I'm never gonna start dating him, we're good as friends" :D But things happened, hahaha! I'm glad.) But I bet we all are going to stick together, some more, some less, but still. Many things await us in the future and nobody can tear us apart, nobody can tear apart Hopeanuoli!musical! Auuuuu~
You can watch the whole musical on YouTube (Finnish only).
Avaan ikkunan
hengitän sisään maisemaa,
niin täydellistä, että pelottaa.
Pelkään että aika ajaa meidät erilleen.
Mitä sitten teen,
mitä sitten teen?
Eikä ajatella sitä kuka on kenenkin,
että meillä kaikilla on kotikin.
Toisilla on joku, joka siellä odottaa.
Nyt ei kukaan muista,
eikä tahdokaan.
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